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Rosalind Irving West Vancouver Counselling

ABOUT ME, Rosalind Irving

  • Grew up in England.

  • Educated at Kent, Oxford and UBC Universities.

  • Married for 26 years.

  • Three grown children.

  • High School teacher of English and French for 20 years. Divorced.

  • Masters in Counselling Psychology.

  • Re-married.

  • 13 years experience in Outpatient Psychiatry and Family Services.

  • 19  years private practice.

Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace.

Amelia Earhart


Collaborating with YOU to remove obstacles which may impede potential; reflecting back your best self so you may know and like yourself more fully; questioning diagnoses; endorsing the possibility of human becoming.​

Pile of Logs West Vancouver Counselling


Existential Approach:

Distinction between normal and neurotic anxiety. Help in facing anxiety. Creation of Meaning. Facing suffering. Accessing courage. Discovery of a path that can enlarge the individual’s way of life and permit expression of unique potential. Discovery of identity, and accessing the courage to express it.

Person-Centred Therapy:

Unconditional, positive regard for the client. The paramount importance of Trust and the Therapeutic Relationship to effect change. Belief that the individual has an inherent capacity to move away from maladjustment to psychological health.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: 

Thoughts create feelings; feelings may lead to actions. We can learn to develop healthier habits of thinking which in turn can reduce emotional reactivity and impulsive action. Learning to choose our thoughts leads to self-empowerment. Recognition of the possibility of this choice is usually life-changing.


It has long been accepted that brain chemistry has a pervasive influence over our thinking and feeling, however, recent research has shown that the reverse is also true: THOUGHTS CHANGE BRAIN CHEMISTRY!


Dr. Norman Doidge’s books, The Brain That Can Change Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing, indicate that we have a lot more power to change our brains than we may realize, e.g. walking creates new neurons in the Hippocampus…at any age! Neuroplasticity of the human brain permits far greater adaptability and new learning than was previously thought to be the case.

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon but that we wait so long to begin it. 

W.M. Lewis.

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© 2022 West Vancouver Counselling

Located in West Vancouver, BC

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